Féis an Eilein: Fichead Bliadhna (DVD)

Celebrating 20 years of Féis an Eilein

Our new DVD Fichead Bliadhna is a 45-minute documentary film, featuring performances and interviews in Gaelic with English and Gaelic sub-titles. It’s a look back at our first 20 years. Filmed by Colette Thomas it was supported by the Center for Cape Breton Studies at CBU and funded by The OGA and NS Tourism and Culture.

Féis an Eilein: Fichead Bliadhna (DVD)

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Order your copy by sending a cheque or money order to:

Communn Feis an Eilein
PO Box 317 Christmas Island
Nova Scotia, Canada B1T 1R7

In Canada $20.00 + $10.00 shipping and handling
In United States $20.00 + $20.00 s/h (CDN)
Overseas $20.00 + $7.00 s/h (CDN)

Féis an Eilein is a great example of how culture, sustainability and community economic development go hand in hand.” — Dr Richard MacKinnon Director of the Center for Cape Breton Studies at CBU

This DVD will be an invaluable resource to educators teaching Cape Breton traditional arts, Celtic studies, or Gaelic language and culture.” — Heather Sparling Associate Professor of Ethnomusicology and Chair of the Department of Heritage & Culture

It is both fitting and appropriate that Féis an Eilein be the first Gaelic organization to make a DVD of this kind, helping to foster a further sense of pride within the Gaelic Community and sharing with others the wellspring that is Gaelic Nova Scotia.” — Lewis MacKinnon Executive Director, Gaelic Affairs at the Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage